
Hi, my name is Kelly Rappé and I am journeying to the center on the earth.
Just kidding, I am going to Accra, Ghana to study abroad. I currently go to Hendrix College with an early childhood education major and a history minor.
My passions are sports (specifically Field Hockey and Track in college), traveling, reading, and discovering.
I am a Fort Collins, Colorado native and have enjoyed my time in the south thoroughly the past several years.
One of my best friends always says, "She's never afraid of going on another adventure."
Please check by biweekly to see how my experience abroad in Africa is.
I have only been abroad to Cuba, Canada, and Mexico, so this shall be a life changing experience.
I plan on reflecting, writing, posting pictures, and babbling about what is going on up in my noggin'. <3

Here is the clip for "A Whole New World"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Less than a WEEK

I will be flying to Ghana in four days! I am so excited, but it still feels like I am not actually GOING TO ACCRA, GHANA! I had a long talk with two of my friends last night trying to visualize and prepare myself for the extreme changes that I will be going through. I will have limited internet access and when I do its very unreliable. I will be taking showers with freezing water and taking a bucket of water and a cup and try to rinse myself. I think I will get frustrated about that at first because I rather just not shower than endure that complicated of a process. I am also fascinated about hand washing my own clothes. As previous students that studied in Ghana told me, I will stop after a month. I am still excited to see what happens with that. I also am worried a bit about malaria. It is scary to think I could get malaria and if I ignore it I COULD DIE! I feel like I will be a bit crazy about that checking up on my self very frequently. One of the things I want to experience SO BADLY is a fully embraced interaction with kids. I want to hang with them, teach them, and for them to teach me. I am ready! I wish I could full prepare myself for this adventure, but I guess that is the beautiful thing about life, you can't prepare yourself. Many people refer to me as a happy go lucky type and I am excited to see how that will be applied to going to Ghana. I am curious how recreating a support system will turn out. I now practically everyone else is on the same boat; they will be wanting to have a support system too. I have also been told that I will have a lot more time than I think I will have. I want to use that time to embrace the culture. I also dream to have a meal in a Ghanaian household, which is apparently few and far between because Ghanaians hold their personal lives close to their hearts.

Goals for going abroad:
* Embrace everything with enjoyment and really understand why I am there, to learn, not to save the world.
* Connect with at least one Ghanaian on a deeper level
* Learn how the education system works in Ghana.
* Learn how the political system works in Ghana.
* Learn what stereotypes I have developed about AFRICA and how most of the DO NOT APPLY TO GHANA.
* Fill my time with people. I am an EXTREME EXTROVERT and people help me discover who I am in the situation and what it means to me.
* Learn not to judge situations in Ghana and understand TIA: This is Africa, a completely different world.
* Understand what a third world country and what makes it that way and maybe they are living life better than we are. In Cuba I think their overall well-being, besides being trapped in the country, is happy and a community. Every corner we turned people knew each other and basked in that ideology.
* How does Cuba compare to Ghana?
* What does education mean to Ghanaians?

I have so many questions. I hope to discover this new world and help me discover myself!

1 comment:

  1. I washed my clothes by hand the entire time I was there:) I never had my laundry done! Also, I always had Ghanaians offering to take me home to their house and prepare a meal for me- and inviting me to church- so I definitely think you will get to experience this! So excited for you!
