
Hi, my name is Kelly Rappé and I am journeying to the center on the earth.
Just kidding, I am going to Accra, Ghana to study abroad. I currently go to Hendrix College with an early childhood education major and a history minor.
My passions are sports (specifically Field Hockey and Track in college), traveling, reading, and discovering.
I am a Fort Collins, Colorado native and have enjoyed my time in the south thoroughly the past several years.
One of my best friends always says, "She's never afraid of going on another adventure."
Please check by biweekly to see how my experience abroad in Africa is.
I have only been abroad to Cuba, Canada, and Mexico, so this shall be a life changing experience.
I plan on reflecting, writing, posting pictures, and babbling about what is going on up in my noggin'. <3

Here is the clip for "A Whole New World"

Monday, January 23, 2012

Next Couple of Days

Shadrach brought some of us to his church. IT WAS AMAZING! We got to the service late because our friend, the Ghanaian was late. The church as filled with about 20 people. The children were outside playing around. They started with the reference to the Bible John 9-17, which is about the boy that brought fish and bread and only had enough for a couple people but Jesus created enough for over 5,000 people. The entire service was in Twi and then translated into English. Then there was a discussion on the meaning and with questions and answers from the entire congregation. I’ve never seen a church service with a discussion focused congregation. Discussion, for me was usually in bible study or bible classes. It was wonderful. The conviction and passion that each Ghanaian displayed showed how happy and content they are. After this, there was singing and music. The songs were in Twi so the other ISEP students and I clapped our hands and tried to imagine what they were saying. The entire service was completely surrounded around “Amen” by the speaker and “Amen” by the congress. It was so joyous and energetic. After this the children were called in and the preacher had a passionate discussion on how we each can be the boy and give faith and love to those people in our community. The children sat in the back and went in and out of the church. The church was actually converted from a school into a church on Sundays and Wednesday nights. After this passionate sermon, the entire congregation broke out in song and we danced around. The Ghanaians dragged us into a circle of clapping and singing. There were drums pounded to a wonderful beat. I felt like any soul could reach a spirit with this music and dance. The pure happiness on every member’s face was inspirational. Then, each member of the church spent some time praying out loud in Twi. This was a bit scary because my church is very introverted in their prayer. Then there was one young lady that sang a solo. HER VOICE WAS AMAZING AND HER CONVICTION WAS INSPIRATIONAL. She reached her hand up touching God and smiling and the joyous occasion. After this, the congregation convinced us ISEP kiddos to sing a song for them…well obviously we didn’t plan this but we attempted to sing “Amazing Grace” in which the congregation chimed in to guide us through the parts that I was unsure about. The clapped and praised our attempt. The community was so loving. Then there were announcements about an Easter Convention this Easter, which I think I may go to. Next weekend we are going to the coast, but the next week I bet Shadrach if he sang a solo I would match him with one…little does he know mine is my turn to at all times…those who know me…know this song…LEAN ON ME… will be sung at this church in two weeks. After the service we spent sometimes meeting Shadrach’s father, who is the preacher and mother and two sisters. WHAT A WONDERFUL FAMILY. They introduced themselves in their first names and shook our hands with both of theirs, a sign of thank you and regarding admiration. I then, as a future that I am, talked to the children and looked at their bible books. They were very shy, but insisted on taking pictures with me. I hope to come back to this church often because of their true sincerity. I would like to develop a Ghanaian community because it is a true test to what the Peace Corps would be like. I loved all of them! Shadrach, one of our student guides, who attends University of Ghana, the one that invited us to his church is going to study abroad in the United States. I am slowly convincing him to come study abroad AT HENDRIX COLLEGE!!! WOOT WOOT! He is looking at 10 colleges in the south and Hendrix is one of them! I think it would be wonderful to show the same gratitude and respect to him as he did for me. Although it only has been several days, I have experienced a cultural and social journey that is BEYOND MY WISHES AND GOALS.
Beach Exploration
After a quick lunch after church we made a voyage to the public beach in Ghana. The beach costs 3 CD (Ghanaian dollars, which the conversion is 1CD = 1.67 USD). We entered in and saw the trash, which surprised me that such a prized land feature would be treated in such a way. There were horses tromping around giving rides to tourists, and the AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN were on us like flies on poop…hehehehe. We walked along the beach and embraced the water…I did a limited amount to avoid getting my ear infections (SHOUT OUT TO MY FAMILY XOXOXO).
The sun went in and out of hiding from us with clouds. It was a relaxing setting once the salesmen realized that we weren’t going to buy anything from them here because WE KNEW IT WAS A EXPENSIVE. There were some cross-dressers performing, which was a dangerous performance because it is illegal to be homosexual in Ghana. This illegal thing was a HUGE ISSUE last semester with a famous person not funding some high poverty areas in Ghana, because of that. We then found a ball and played keep away for a while. We turned into a spectator sport with many Ghanaians and tourists looking and laughing at and with us. It was fascinating, EVEN WITH THE LANGUAGE BARRIER WE WERE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE. Covered in sand and salt water we went to “Taco Bell” (which is actually just a reference to their fast food restaurants). We had Ghanaian pizza, which has a much sweeter sauce and very interesting pepperoni. We then made it back to ISH (International Student Hostel) and then explored the night market, which is literally two blocks away from ISH. We tried some fruit and asked around what their prices were of different items. This thing called bargaining, I FAIL AT… we shall see if I will improve or not.

This was a very boring morning of details about class rules and examinations. The campus tour after was very exciting. THE CAMPUS IS HUGEEEEEEEEEEEE…we are taking almost as big as Conway, Arkansas! The students at this school are over 30,000 people. I am thinking about investing in a bike, which would make going to and from classes a lot easier. I am going to wait and see after the first couple of weeks of school if it is worth it. Each building is white with a red roof. I love the palm trees and other tropical trees surrounding the area. Everyone we met on the tour was very friendly. One of Shadrach’s friends was welcoming. She said we would LOVE IT HERE and that I could come to her church if I wanted to. I think the way to connect with some of the Ghanaians is to inquire about their churches and learn what religion and what size their church is. I can’t wait to select classes. I am going to take a history, religions, sociology, anthropology, dance, and geography, and beginning Twi course. I think 6 courses will be perfect, which dance I may audit because I AM A HORRIBLE DANCER!

I am exhausted, yet excited for more.

I wonder when the culture shock will hit??????

I will repost my mailing address. PLEASE MAIL ME LETTERS! I would love ANYTHING! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

And a shout out to everyone else WHO HAS STUDIED ABROAD IN GHANA...i can't spell all the guides names right now and I am in ISH 1 :D ohhhhh and SUSAN IS GETTING MARRIED IN APRIL AND I GET TO GO TO THE WEDDING


  1. Hi Kelly,

    I am so glad you got to go to the Ghanaian church. The interaction and music sounds wonderful! LOL about preparing to sing Lean on Me. The congregation will love it. You sing it so sincerely.

    Who is the Susan who is getting married?

    And stop LOOKING for culture shock!

  2. Kelly!!!

    All of this sounds soooo exciting!!! I cant wait to hear all about your classes!!!

    Miss you tons!
